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Adding some kind of a parallax effect to the background would make you feel like you're moving, a few times I felt like I was standing still if there wasn't anything else on the screen beside the player.

Paradoxically, the background IS moving in a parallax fashion, which is apparent whenever there is anything in the foreground, but yes, with only 1 parallax layer, you do get moments when you feel like moving through a soup.

Thank you, this would be an easy thing to add.

I played for about 4 minutes or so. I like that you made an Asteroids style game with smooth satisfying controls (they are often clunky like the original game) and focused on fast gameplay and cool powerups. I found that I was a bit confused going in, but the game was intuitive enough that I learned mostly everything I needed to on my first playthrough.

Some constructive criticism would be that after a while the gameplay feels a bit "same-ey" but that's pretty common for jam games as you're really only going after a vertical slice of what kind of game you are dreaming up. Overall satisfying simple gameplay and nice visuals.


Thank you. We were supposed to make a prototype, I actually over-did it :-)

Eventually, I'd like to replaced this 'infinite, doomed-to-death' mode with something that actually results in victory of some sorts.

I know what you mean. I made sure to tell my players, "Hey, game is over" at 3 minutes in because that is around the time my content fizzled out, but I let them keep playing a bit longer if they wanted.


I thought the quick stop was an interesting mechanic, but it didn't seem to be utilised a tonne. I didn't really understand what I was supposed to be doing, I think that a bit more of a tutorial and a clearer goal could be helpful.

Thank you for your feedback!

I thought the small ships were my friends and then I realized they were attacking the big things in the middle LOL. Cool music!



Cool game! A couple of things are confusing since there are no feedback systems yet, but it's already fun!

Thank you! Could you specify what in particular was confusing for you? That kind of feedback is very useful!



Points of confusion for me:

- for a moment I thought my shots can't destroy asteroids because it took a long time to shoot a big one apart and there was no clear feedback, that I was damaging it (the cracks aren't that noticeable and they take a while to show up early in the game)

- same problem with enemy ships, I thought I can't damage them, until a bit later

- a couple more about the relation between my ship and the base and whether I'm supposed to focus on destroying asteroids or destroy enemies at my base, but I can't remember exactly


Thank you, very useful feedback! I believe most of the issues you mention should now be fixed.


Feels good but I don't understand why you run out of lasers(bullets?) if you shoot constantly


Thank you for the feedback. Your ammo regenerates when you are in touch with any of your bases. I felt it would increase the difficulty if you had to periodically return back 'home'.

Ammo is shown in the top left corner.

Hey there, would you be so kind and test the game again? I think it's more understandable now and provides useful hint when you run out of ammo.


Yeah with pleasure
Now it's definitely more understandable and the hint when you run out of ammo helps a lot because you concentrate on destroying asteroids and can forget about ammo
And just realized why i didn't know about ammo it's because i can't see text from the left-top if my browser(firefox) isn't fullscreen

Yeah, the 'window size' is a problem, I'll focus on that.
